Services By CoencE

Web Dev | SEO Marketing | Code Snippets | Digital Security
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Developing your web presence

Developing a website will give your company a web presence,  however picking the right website development strategy is a more complex aspect to website development and marketing. Site owners need to consider current needs as well as future needs in order to develop a website that will grow along with their web presence.

Web Development


Online Marketing

Building your web relevance

In order to have web relevance, the site needs to be optimized   using the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) channels for marketing. The process of designing, developing and optimizing a website is a persistent practice that needs to be analyzed and monitored to be effective. Optimization is not something that can be acheived overnight, and once acheived, it is a continual cycle to stay relevant.

Helpful Code Modules

Web development and marketing modules   that can teach and save time... I have spent hours upon hours figuring out certain aspects of development and marketing. At some point, I started saving them in modules for easy reference. The communities in this industry are surprisingly resourceful and helpful and in this seciton I will provide my iteration of some elements that I have used.

Code Modules


Residential Digital Security

How secure is your home network?   Almost daily we hear about another corporate data breach, tech vulnerability, ransomware, etc. Corporations spend a lot of money implementing and monitoring security, but still their networks can be compromised--its a big business in which the white hats are chasing the tails of the black hats. So again, ask yourself how safe is your home network?